Sunday, February 23, 2014

Valentine's Day & 100th Day!
Lot's of celebrating going on in our room these past few weeks!

We made some LOVE hats!

We had to think of three things that we love.

Lot's of things to love in first grade!

YUMMY cupcakes!

...and sweetheart floats!

C. dressed up especially for Valentine's Day. So handsome!

100 days of First Grade

We made 100 hats.

10 strips of paper + 10 things drawn on each one = 100!

Super cute!

We worked in our 100 books.

Each first grader was asked to create a 100 shirt!
I was SO impressed!

I'm lucky to get to spend 100 days with these goof balls!

We came up with 100 things we love about first grade.

Each group of 2 had to come up with 10 things!

I wasn't able to catch too many families at the Family Breakfast on Wednesday

Our student council representatives did a great job serving the breakfast!

Have a happy week! 
Almost March?!