Monday, February 18, 2013

100th Day & Valentine's Day!
Our friends from Winona States Reading Warriors came to read to us this week.

We got to read lots of stories with them!

We played a number bond game on the smart board.

Our newest star word this week was "love".

So we wrote about how we love our families.

On our 100th day we had to label our baggie of 100.

We made cool 100th day crowns too!

A bunch of cute smiling faces on our 100th day of school!

Here is what we brought 100 of......

100 lego Ninjagos

100 peppermint marshmallows

100 pennies

100 corn kernels

100 foam hearts

100 crayons

100 safety pins

100 valentine hearts

100 pennies

100 stickers

100 honeycombs

100 beans

100 marshmallows

100 straws

100 pennies & 100 rubber bands

100 legos

100 cards

We had to count out our collection to make sure we had 100!

10 groups of 10!

We decided that the straws were the collection that took of the MOST room.

The corn kernels were the collection that took up the LEAST amount of space.

100 dolls

100 Q-tips

100 honeycombs

100 honeycombs!

Our door was even decorated!
100th Day!

We did some graphing with candy hearts!

All of our graphs looked different!

It was so much fun getting valentines in our boxes!

.....and eating ice cream!

So much fun!